Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Welcome Caroline!

Saturday was an exciting day in the Boettcher house as we welcomed Caroline into our family! Lauren was so excited until Caroline got off of the plane, and then she got shy and hid behind me. It did not take her long to warm up though.
Megan and Lauren watching Caroline's plane pull in

Here she is!
Waiting for the luggage
After we brought Caroline home, we had to head over to my parents house for Gabrielle's Birthday, Neila's Goodbye and Caroline's Hello party. As usual there were a ton of people there, but I think that Caroline had a good time meeting everyone.
Happy Birthday Gabrielle!

Family pic.. minus Jason who went to go pick up Denise
Getting to know each other
Neila saying Goodbye to Megan and Lauren
This weekend the girls have pulled out every game wanting to play with Caroline. She has been a good sport and has played games, and watched TV with the girls.
Teaching Caroline how to play Battleship
It has been a good first couple of days. I think that Caroline is settling in, the girls love her. So far so good!

And do not feel sad Sira... Megan and Lauren talk about you ALL of the time to Caroline. They still love you too!

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear that the first days have gone well. We saw on the photos that Caroline has posted that she has a amazing room, you did a great job! She is having the time of her life, no doubt about it! Thank you so much for having taken so good care of her now in the beginning. We are so grateful!
    ps. we are not so good at writing english, but we have some help now when Iselin is home:) But we can not guarantee that it will be as good when she is leaving for school.
